반응형 free magic3 On Off by Nicholas Lawrence A modern approach to the classic moving finger trick, making it a highly visual and impactful everyday miracle. Imagine asking your spectator "Have you ever had a ring on your finger for too long and had a difficult time taking it off?" As you try to take the ring off your finger, you accidentally pop the finger off along with the ring!! It is an absolute bizarre moment that gets CRAZY reaction... 2020. 9. 7. REFRACTION by Nacho Mancilla A card change that happens slowly and right in front of their eyes! Your spectator has chosen a card and it is lost back in the deck. Let's say they chose the 6 of Spades. You now show them a different random card, the 4 of Diamonds. You take the random card and place it against any light source. Tell them to look at the refraction (shadows) of the card through its back... They see the shadows o.. 2020. 9. 7. Godly Vanish by Alexy Sviridkin In early 2018, Will Tsai first showcased his In-the-air vanish in the SansMinds Creative Lab vlog. The insane slow-mo visual and gravity-defying moment of the vanish has caught the eyes of magicians worldwide. The essence hit the magic community like a storm and inspired many great minds trying to replicate this masterpiece. The original design of In-the-air vanish is still up in Will’s sleeve t.. 2020. 9. 5. Previous 1 Next 반응형