반응형 All Magic Tricks/Coin Tricks4 Imagination Coin by Eric Chien & Bacon Magic "Eric Chien's Imagination Coin is like one of James Bond's gadgets. I like that, despite the sleek appearance, it's actually very simple. This mechanism will never go wrong during performance, and it helps us achieve a dream effect in magic: to make money appear between two empty hands." - Joshua Jay "This artifact will definitely change the coin magic on the table!" - Richard Mo Professional gr.. 2023. 2. 17. Coin by Eric Chien "By far the best retention ever created, a true work of art and mastery. This is how magic should look." - Michael Afshin "Eric Chien's Coin to Cigarette is beautifully executed!" - Shin Lim Eric Chien has been impressing top coin workers around the world with his performances of incredible sleight-of-hand magic. Some are saying he has created the best vanish in the world of a single coin. He ha.. 2023. 2. 17. Instagram Vanish by Avi Yap https://www.instagram.com/p/B6VJhBQnHhA/?hl=en https://payhip.com/b/ye9qR Instagram Vanish by Avi YapYour form has been submitted. Please check your email for a copy of your responses. If you're accepted, you'll receive an email with a link to checkout.payhip.com Buy Now 2020. 9. 5. Now You Sleeve Me by Jeffrey Wang WE STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S SLEEVINGAt Magic LIVE this year a shy young man walked up to our team, with his sleeves pulled up, threw a borrowed coin through a portal in the air and made it appear in our awaiting hands… 3 feet away.That guy was Jeffrey Wang. The creator of ‘Now You Sleeve Me’.What makes Jeffrey’s sleeving so unique, is that he can tell you it’s sleeving and you STILL don’t believ.. 2020. 5. 2. Previous 1 Next 반응형