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All Magic Tricks/Card Tricks48

Splice by Shin Lim 2023. 4. 30.
Think by Shin Lim Effect: You present both a deck of cards and a prediction, both which YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH in the performance. As a matter of fact, you can be sitting in the audience while the spectator is on stage counting the cards. You ask the spectator to think of a number between 1-52. Once a number has been chosen, you instruct the spectator to pick up the deck, and deal down to that number. You then inst.. 2023. 4. 30.
21 by Shin Lim 21 is a DVD unlike any other. Produced by Shin Lim, this collaboration between Jose Morales, Donald Carlson, and Shin Lim features 21 fantastic effects and routines that can be done with no gimmicks and are totally impromptu. It's a unique collection of effects with 3 artists which have different styles and approaches to card magic. Jose Morales combines flourishes and card sleights that make up.. 2023. 4. 30.
Control Freak by Shin Lim Control Freak teaches two completely impromptu controls: 1 card control: An extremely clean and direct control. No funny movements, no misdirection. Your hands can be burned the entire time, and the audience won't catch a thing. Multiple card control: A very deceptive control which flies by the spectators eyes when done properly. The cards can be placed in 2023. 4. 30.
Clench by Calen Morelli In your wallet, behind their ear, under their watch, in your shoe or written as a prediction... The list of revealing a selected card goes on and on. But it's never been done with your TEETH. Calen Morelli brings the magic world CLENCH, a killer card effect revealed in the most unique way. Imagine a spectator selects a card and it's lost in the deck, with nothing but a fan, you reach in and take.. 2023. 2. 22.
Mc Sandwich - Mickael Chatelain An original way to present a classic magic trick cards, make a sandwich effect has never been easier. Imagine the following: Simply place two cards on the table, make freely choose a card in your game. It is lost in the game. Slowly Remove the two cards on the table, égalisez and éventaillez-les, a card Appeared among them, the card memory. The proof: The Signing of the vehicle. A classic effect.. 2023. 2. 19.
The Intuition Test by Larry Hass As the dean of the McBride Mystery School Larry Hass knows what powerful magic looks like. An open prediction where the audience shuffles the cards, makes all the decisions, and there is no equivoke or sleight of hand is about as powerful as it gets. That’s the kind of power hidden in The Intuition Test. Here’s what happens: A deck can be borrowed from your audience who also shuffles it. The per.. 2023. 2. 19.
The Friendship Game by Larry Hass "The Friendship Game” is an interactive experience that stands alone and far above mere card tricks. Dr. Hass takes a basic principal and turns it into a memorable miracle. So many nuanced touches make for a routine that is easy for participants to follow yet impossible to fathom. It is a miracle of simplicity. True magic!" - Ross Johnson Larry Hass is the dean of the McBride Mystery School, and.. 2023. 2. 19.
One Card and One Card Only by Larry Hass "Wow using a borrowed deck of cards and still do this miracle!! The method is clever and easily repeatable. Seemingly so fair... even though it is not" - Chef Anton "The method is subtle, sneaky and takes zero preparation.... borrow the deck and melt some minds. Great stuff!" - Michael Kaminskas "If you love truly impossible card locations, this should be in your anytime / anywhere repertoire." .. 2023. 2. 19.
My Way Out Of This World by Larry Hass "My go-to method for astonishing audiences in the real world." -Larry Hass "A version of out of this world with a shuffle and borrowed deck? Yes, finally is possible! Thanks Larry for this gem!" - Luca Volpe "Larry has cleverly combined ideas from Paul Curry, Harry Lorayne, and Gary Ouellet in order to bring you an anytime, anywhere, out of this world card trick!" - Cody S. Fisher Out Of This Wo.. 2023. 2. 19.
Reloaded by Dani DaOrtiz DANI DAORTIZ RETURNS WITH A NEW SELECTION OF ASTONISHING MAGIC! Dani DaOrtiz reveals the real secrets of professional card magic. From self-working miracles to psychological mysteries. Dani's routines are renowned for their entertaining plots and ingenious methods. A true card star. Dani DaOrtiz RELOADED is an Spanish language 4 DVDs Box Set, subtitled in English, Spanish, French and Japanese. S.. 2023. 2. 19.
Utopia by Dani DaOrtiz JUAN TAMARIZ: “Simply super strong magic full of surprises!” DAN & DAVE: “His display of freedom and ease with a deck of cards creates a spirit of wonder every magician should strive to achieve.” DAVID WILLIAMSON: “Dani is not only a product of the “Spanish School” of card magic, with masters such as Ascanio and Tamariz as his influences, he is also the product of the ethereal mixture of biology.. 2023. 2. 19.